
My Wife Feels Great Now with No Need for Prescriptions

When I figured out that my wife was addicted to the pain pills that she’d been getting from her doctor for years, I put my foot down. There had to be a solution to her bad back, and I was determined to figure out who could help. She seemed to have given up and succumbed to her addiction, but that’s not the way that she planned to live her life. I found a chiropractor in the San Francisco area who was willing to see her. He said that he had met a lot of people like us. Often, a spouse becomes addicted to whatever prescription their doctor hands out to too easily, and the other spouse starts looking for some real help on their behalf.

The problem happened years ago when my daughter was skating around the neighborhood. She wears the same size shoes as my wife, and she talked my wife into putting the skates on and taking a spin around the neighborhood. My wife loved it, but then when she reached the end of the road, she hit a large rock in the road and she fell. Ever since that day she has had a lot of pain, and it only seemed to be getting worse with each passing year. Her medical Doctor did try to help her, but he was unable to fix the problem.

My wife originally just hook a simple over-the-counter painkiller at first. But over time that stop working. She had to go to the doctor to get something stronger. Over time, that’s stopped working too. You finally put her on some really powerful stuff, and that’s what she became addicted to. Not only has the chiropractor figured out what is wrong with her she is now prescription free thanks to him. We had high hopes, and he met every one of the hopes that we had.