pain,  torture

Another directed energy weapons attack by cruel criminal NTRO employees promoting SEX worker, fraud R&AW/CBI employees

Though the google, tata sponsored sex worker and fraud R&AW/CBI employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially slim goan obc bhandari SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc does not spend any money on the BSNL connection, or do any work online, the shameless sex maniac ntro, google,tata, cbi employees have sex with the goan R&AW employee sunaina are duping people, companies and countries that tata, google SEX worker is working online.
In fact the the shameless sex maniac fraud ntro, google,tata, cbi employees have sex with the goan R&AW employee sunaina are closely monitoring a google competitor, the real domain investor, torturing her with directed energy weapons at every opportunity and then shamelessly and falsely claim that the sex worker supplied to them by google, tata is doing work online.
On 24 May 2017, the the shameless sex maniac ntro, google,tata, cbi employees who have sex with the google, tata’s favorite goan sex worker R&AW employee sunaina,again attacked the domain investor whose resume, investment the sex worker sunaina falsely claims to have to get a monthly indian government salary, with directed energy weapons causing great pain , headache and great anger.