It can be easily legally proved, checking the financial records, that top ntro employees are involved in a sex racket in goa, falsely claiming that goan sex worker R&AW employees , sunaina, siddhi offering them sex bribes, are online experts, domain investors to get the sex workers a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor who is getting nothing.
On 28 August 2017 at around 10.23 am, as the domain investor tried to get some help to end the great goan NTRO sex racket, the cruel fraud ntro employees immediately attacked her with radiation weapons causing great pain on her face due to microwave burns, as the bsnl connection, dlink modem was being used to find her position and increase radiation levels,
The pain was so much, the domain investor was forced to disconnect and leave the area to avoid the contract killer indian government employees who will do anything for free sex, money.
Radiation torture of google competitor continues on ganesh chathurti 2017
Though the media is full of stories about the unrest in north india following the arrest of baba gurmeet ram rahim and damage to government property, indian government employees continue to waste their time, resources, equipment to stalk and torture a harmless google competitor, domain investor in panaji, goa with radiation weapons on 25 August 2017, causing great pain, headache, insomnia and other health problems
To escape the torture the domain investor had gone out to the few places for a few hours, after she came back, the torture has continued causing more health problems, headaches, microwave burns. The pain is so severe that she cannot sleep at night and during the day, and also cannot sit in any place without being stalked and tortured.
It also indicates the lack of humanity of the contract killer government employees who are stalking and torturing a harmless indian citizen to help google destroy competition. -
Google competitor tortured with radiation weapons in a bathroom in panaji, goa
The criminal contract killer ntro, security agency employees allegedly hired by google, tata and criminal raw/cbi employees like indore housewife veena who are faking a btech 1993 ee degree are ruthless in stalking, torture and criminally attacking a harmless google competitor, engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai in one of the worst cases of sexual harassment in indian history, far worse than the Varnika Kundu, Vikas Barala case .
Realizing that the google competitor will move away whenever she is attacked with radiation weapons in any other place, the stalkers unleashed by google, tata decided to attack the google competitor with radiation weapons when she is in the bathroom on 23 August 2017, as elections are being held in panaji. So when the google competitor was in the bathroom she experienced very severe pain, headache as the contract killer indian government employees greatly increased the radiation levels to cause microwave burns , headache and great pain.
If anyone else is experiencing a headache or other pain only when in the bathroom, they can share their experience.
Intense radiation attack causing microwave burns after Trisha shetty, a riddhi nayak look alike was mentioned
On the india today show, To the point, on love jihad, featuring anjana om kashyap wearing yellow on 16 August 2017, a lawyer, activist from Mumbai, Trisha Shetty wearing red was featured, as allegedly a look alike of goa’s top google, tata sponsored CONWOMAN cbi employee gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, who is getting a monthly indian government salary only for FAKING A BTECH 1993 EE degree .
Immediately after the post was saved on the micromax laptop, the goan gsb fraud mafia who got the goan conwoman riddhi nayak, the cbi job for faking a btech 1993 ee degree, launched an attack with radiation weapons causing microwave burns very great pain to the harmless domain investor in panaji, goa indicating how ruthless the goan gsb fraud mafia is in censoring anyone who exposes their identity theft fraud
It these complete lies, atrocities and frauds of the shameless goan gsb mafia which makes poets like Vishnu wagh abuse the saraswats in his poetry, will Uday Bhembre justify the fake claims, resume theft of the shameless lazy greedy goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak, who is faking a btech 1993 ee degree to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the obc bhandari single woman engineer who actually studied for a btech 1993 ee degree, in an open debate. -
Infra red imaging widely used for torture in panaji, goa
Most people take a holiday to enjoy themselves, in panaji, goa a domain investor and google competitor has to go to a hotel room to avoid torture , human rights abuses, microwave burns, great pain caused by the cruel criminal contract killer ntro, security agency employees allegedly hired by google, tata. On 13 August 2017, at around 12.15 at noon, the domain investor was seated on the bed, and reading, after a few minutes the contract killer ntro, security agency employees in panaji, goa immediately attacked her with radiation weapons causing great pain, forcing her to immediately leave the room.
The contract killer government employees are allegedly using infrared imaging to detect where exactly she is seated in the room and are attacking her ruthlessly to cause very great pain after causing microwave burns. The cowardly indian mainstream media refuses to carry the news of the endless atrocities of the cruel criminal sex animal contract killer ntro, security agency employees on harmless indian citizen using radiation weapons. -
google, tata controlled sex bribe taking criminal contract killer government employees in panaji again causing microwave burns
Whenever the google competitor will expose the google, tata SEX , CHEATING, IDENTITY THEFT RACKET immediately the criminal pimp google, tata employees will ask the sex bribe taking criminal contract killer government employees in panaji to torture the harmless google competitor, domain investor with radiation weapons to cause great pain, .
The latest human rights abuses of the sex bribe taking criminal contract killer NTRO, government employees in panaji took place on 12 August 2017 at 8 pm onwards, as they have again increased radiation levels in panaji, goa after a marathon SEX session with google, tata sponsored goan PROSTITUTE RAW employees sunaina, siddhi or receiving a bribe from criminal indore raw employees veena, deepika.
The radiation torture, microwave burns not only make it difficult to do any work during the day, even at night the cruel criminal sex bribe taking contract killer government employees in panaji do not leave the harmless domain investor, engineer alone, ruthless in stalking and torturing her causing great pain, especially when she will modify any file on the laptop .
The cowardly indian media is covering the very minor case of vikas barala, varnika kundu , it does not have the courage to tell the true story of how sex bribe taking criminal contract killer government employees in panaji are torturing, stalking a harmless single woman engineer for more than 7 years since 2010, causing very great pain.
Jadhav and the slow murder of harmless indian citizens by cruel criminal indian government employees
The indian mainstream media is regularly carrying the news of how the indian government is trying to save the life of jadhav as it cares for the life of every indian citizen, however the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the indian government is exposed by the fact that cruel criminal indian government employees are allowed to slowly murder harmless indian citizens if they are bribed by large corporates using hitech radiation weapons
The slow murder of harmless indian citizens has become well known. For example a bank employee in 2016 told the google competitor that her lifespan would be greatly reduced because she would be targetted for slow murder
Again in 2017, a insurance salesperson said that she was likely to get a heart attack or die from cancer because of slow murder techniques of ntro, security agencies which are widely used in india on harmless indian citizens, especially those who are not well connected to steal their hard earned money. -
google slowly murdering competitor with the help of criminal R&AW employees indore crooks veena, deepika, goan sex workers sunaina, siddhi
Google has 95% market share in India because it has allegedly perfected the art of MURDERING business rivals wasting indian tax payer money. For example google has managed to get indore bespectacled indore criminals veena, deepika, goan sex workers slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar , goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, brahmin cheater nayanshree and other lazy fraud cheaters who never answered JEE lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs falsely claiming that these lazy criminal fraud women have the impressive resume, investment, including this domain name of a harmless google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai.
Then these google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud R&AW/CBI employees especially indore frauds veena, mothe of a son, are using the monthly indian government salary they are getting for FAKING a BTECH 1993 EE degree, for bribing criminal contract indian government employeees for stalking and torturing the google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai
The latest attack of the contract killer government employees in panaji, goa hired by google, tata though indore crooks veena, deepika, mahesh, goan frauds riddhi, siddhi, sunaina, naina,asmita patel and others took place at around 6 am on 5 July 2017 -
Tata,google sponsored gujju thane criminal R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel and associates criminally attack real domain investor
Google has 95% market share in India because it gets criminals and frauds permanent R&AW/CBI jobs falsely claiming that these criminals, frauds have the impressive resume, investment of a google competitor. then these google, tata sponsored criminal R&AW/CBI employees who are getting a monthly indian government salary for FAKE RESUMES, FAKE INVESTMENT use the salary they are gifted by google, tata to hire contract killer government employees especially in panaji, goa to stalk and torture the google competitor causing great pain.
The latest attack of the contract killer government employees hired by google, tata on the domain investor, google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than sundar pichai took place in Panaji, near the lake in campal on 3 August 2017 at around 1 pm. The google killer associates made a phone call, to pinpoint the exact location, and then the contract killers hired by the gujju R&AW employee criminal domain fraudster asmita patel attacked her with radiation weapons to cause great pain.
The criminal contract killers in goa hired by gujju thane flirt R&AW employee asmita patel were aware of the fact that the domain investor was carrying a lot of bags, so she could only walk slowly and they could cause great pain.
The shoulders of the domain investor were targetted by the contract killers hired by domain fraudster asmita patel. A look alike of the R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel was then spotted entering a blue and white house in lake view colony after the criminal attack took place
When will the indian government stop wasting money on cruel criminal domain fraudsters like asmita patel, riddhi siddhi sunaina, veena who are least interested in investing money in domain names, as this money is used by the animal like cruel google, tata sponsored domain fraudster R&AW/CBI employees to stalk and torture the real domain investors who resume these domain fraudster indian intelligence employees falsely claim to have. -
Criminally attacked by cruel ntro employees while cleaning a room in panaji
The cruel criminal sex worker, fraud promoting, pampering google, tata employees are quick to justify the monthly R&AW/CBI salary they are getting for goan prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds criticizing the google competitor for not keeping the room clean enough. However whenever she will try to clean the room the cruel SEX animal criminal ntro employees will immediately attack with radiation weapons causing very great pain, making it impossible to do any clearing work in the area, as they as are instigated by google, tata’s pampered powerful panaji prostitute slim obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc who has got great powers and a monthly R&AW salary for having SEX with ntro, security agency employees in panaji,goa
In the first few days of August 2017, the domain investor impersonated by pampered powerful panaji prostitute slim obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc was trying to clear up the room , yet the pain, microwave burns caused by the sex partners of panaji’s most valued sex worker sunaina was so much that she was forced to give up the task, and retreat to an area where the tata, google owned SEX animal government employees of panaji, goa could not attack her with radiation weaponsAny help to end the misuse of radiation weapons on harmless indian citizens for torture, causing great pain in panaji, goa will be greatly appreciated