The cruel criminal shameless fraud google, tata,ntro employees especially in goa who are involved in a major sex, bribery racket financial fraud in goa on the google competitor since 2010 are aware of the fact that the google competitor does not spend much time online, when her websites are online, and there is no major problem with the websites
So the sex animal ntro employees have intentionally hacked the websites of the google competitor so that they can stalk and torture her causing great pain when she is working online. The right shoulder of the google competitor is paining because of the intense radiation torture of the sex animal ntro employees in panaji on January 29, 2018 who shamelessly and falsely claim that google, tata sponsored sex workers, frauds who do not spend any money online , own the domain names, websites
It is an indication of how ruthless the cruel criminal ntro employees led by j srinivasan are in torturing the google competitor causing great pain daily