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    Google’s favorite pampered School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina’s lovers criminally attack engineer for exposing the gujju fraudster naina

    though the shameless liar cheater gujju identity theft gang hiding behind Google’s favorite pampered School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally marrried at 16, is aware the shameless lazy greedy pamperd gujju semiliterate housewife is not doing any work online, she is only watching television and looking after her family, the top gujju officials are shameless cheaters and liars falsely claiming that the gujju school dropout, who has never operated a computer is working online, so that the greedy shameless gujju fraudster naina gets a cbi salary at the expense of the engineer, domain investor and google competitor who is actually spending her time and money online.

    When the google competitor, modified the content of the website to expose the sneha wagh look alike gujju fraudster housewife naina, the lovers and sugar daddies of the gujju cheater housewife naina, immediately attacked the engineer with radiation weapons
    The engineer experienced chest pain due to the radiation attack and was forced to leave the computer

    It is a reflection of indian and goan society that shameless fraudsters and liars like the gujju school dropout housewife naina , her lover parmar, chainsmoking moustachiod husband, and other frauds who are openly involved in a major real estate, banking, online fraud since 2010., are considered respectable, and given great powers falsely claiming that school dropouts are engineers

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    Radiation torture of google competitor continues in panaji, goa by sex animal ntro employees continues

    As part of the google, tata masterminded PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, BANKING, financial, identity theft fraud on a harmless google competitor, engineer and domain investor, whose identity has been stolen by NTRO employees for 10 google, tata supplied goan call girls, cheater housewives and fraud raw/cbi employees, the engineer continues to be stalked and tortured, causing very great pain
    On 21 August 2018, the sex animal ntro, security agency employees freelancing for google, tata after getting sex, money bribes, criminally assaulted the harmless engineer in panaji, goa causing great pain, memory loss, forcing her to flee the area.

    On 22 August 2018, at around 12.20 hours panaji’s sex animal criminal government employees again criminally assaulted the engineer with radiation weapons causing great pain, headache., though she was not doing any work on the computer or online, clearly indicating that these criminal government employees are stalking the engineer closely

    A reward of Rs 10,000 cash is offered for information of the name, designation, photo, video of the sex animal criminal government employees of panaji in action, torturing harmless indian citizens as ordered by their bosses in google, tata

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    Radiation blast causing great pain after activating debit card

    One of the major problems of using any debit or credit card, is that ntro tracks the location and subjects the domain investor to high intensity radiation blast causing great pain, memory loss
    On 20 august 2018, the domain investor was subjected to a major radiation blast in panaji, goa at her home, causing great pain, memory loss and making it extremely difficult to live in the house from 4 pm to 5 pm after she was forced to activate the debit card of a bank
    The bank is now charging customers a large amount of Rs 100 for making cheque and cash payment for the credit card bill, so she was forced to activate the debit card for making the credit card payment
    Due to damage to brain cells, pain caused by microwave radiation levels , the domain investor forgot the camera which had to be recharged, and was forced to make another trip to her house

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    Hitech torture methods used to ensure that home team wins cricket matches

    India had defeated England 4-0 in the test series which ended in 2017 when England visited India, and now India is down 2-0 in England within a year. This could be because high tech torture techniques are increasingly used to ensure that the visiting team is not mentally and physically fit, and cricketing skills are not important or relevant.

    India has become notorious for using high tech torture techniques like memory reading,radiation, insomnia to ensure that some citizens are not mentally fit, their health is ruined, their productivity adversely affected, after stealing their identity. The advantage of using these techniques is the deniability, the person who is targetted using this method, will not be able to identify the cause, since wireless technologies are being used.

    For example the hitech torture techniques have been used on the domain investor owning this website, and she cannot sleep at night , forcing her to work online, The next day she is also unable to do work, her memory is adversely affected. The home team has a distinct advantage as the local intelligence and security agencies have the equipment required for torture, while the visiting team has limited resources.

    The indian government is fairly brazen in using the hitech torture method on some citizens,like this domain investor for more than 8 years since 2010, and it does not care if the harmless citizen complains loudly about the torture, explaining the technology

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    Google competitor tortured with high radiation levels while working offline again in panaji, goa

    The ntro, raw, security agency employees in panaji, goa are extremely ruthless in stalking and torturing the harmless google competitor whose identity they have stolen, making her a slave, to get bribes, enjoy free sex, get jobs for their lazy greedy fraud relatives.

    In August 2018, the google competitor was not even connected to the internet, she was doing some work offline on another laptop, yet bribed by google, tata, the sex animal contract killer ntro employees continue to ruthlessly stalk and torture the engineer, domain investor in panaji, goa, causing great pain.

    Only when the google competitor covers her head with a cap to shield against the radiation torture in panaji, goa will the pain reduce to some extent