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    new wireless torture device makes victim totally disoriented

    In addition to government SLAVERY, financial fraud since 2010, the harmless domain investor is also subjected to human rights abuses without a legally valid reason.
    In the latest example of torture, the new wireless torture device used, left the victim totally disoriented, the victim could not think clearly, the nervous system was affected
    So the domain investor remained at home, and could not do any important work since she was likely to make a mistake due to the disorientation caused. This another example of how criminal defamation is used to cause human rights abuses to harmless citizens.

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    greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro’ husband CHEATER caro increases radiation levels in room

    The domain investor is a harmless private citizen, engineer, the domains are always available for sale. Yet happily married greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her husband CHEATER caro working in security agencies are extremely aggressive in stealing the resume, savings, data of the single woman engineer,goa 1989jee topper who they HATE, criminally defame , refuse to leave single woman engineer alone though she has left goa more than 16 months ago.
    Cheater caro is using radiation weapons and now the radiation levels are very high in the room causing headache, pain.