• pain,  torture

    Cheater NTRO employees blinded by their lust for goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan continue to criminally assault engineer

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    As part of the google, tata masterminded sex, bribery racket since 2010, ntro employees were told to abuse their powers and falsely claim that their relatives, friends, anyone offering sex, money bribes were working online, after putting the google competitor under surveillance.
    Now that their great fraud was exposed, the cruel criminal Cheater NTRO employees blinded by their lust for goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan continue to criminally assault engineer causing very great pain
    They are monitoring the laptop closely and when it was opened the investor was assaulting causing very great pain with radiation weapons

  • pain,  torture

    Mobile phone used for launching a criminal radiation attack in panaji

    The domain investor avoids using the mobile phone outdoors in panaji, goa because it is used to launch a radiation attack against her
    Another extremely strong attack was launched on 13 March 2018 in Panaji, goa at around 4 pm
    After she crossed the fire brigade entrance in St Inez, some criminal government employee launched a very strong radiation attack on the harmless engineer causing great pain.The area below the lungs was being targetted by the criminal government employee and the attack continued for about 5 minutes causing very intense pain for the time the engineer was outdoors.
    Immediately after the engineer went inside her house, the pain reduced to a very great extent
    The trees outside may be attenuating the radiation weapons used for torture. This another example of abuse of power to torture harmless citizens

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    A Chiropractor Helped Me with My Fatigue

    I have heard some good things about chiropractors, but I had never been to see one up until a few months ago. I thought that people who were having back issues were the only ones who went to see this type of medical professional, so I was surprised when my doctor suggested that I see one for the fatigue I had been experiencing. I figured that I was just tired because I was not sleeping well, but I had no idea why I was so restless at night. That is why I went to my doctor in the first place.

    He gave me an examination and did some tests as well, but everything came back just fine. I thought he would be stumped, but he was quick to suggest visiting a chiropractor.

  • pain,  torture

    Harmless Google competitor criminally attacked by government employee while writing in panaji, goa

    In an indication of the widespread human rights abuses, criminal torture in panaji, goa on a harmless single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor, and google competitor who is being impersonated by 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree , the google competitor was criminally attacked in panaji, goa by criminal security agency,ntro employees with radiation weapons causing great pain to cover the sex, bribery racket, financial, banking fraud in panaji, goa on march 10, 2018, at around 3 pm
    The google competitor was not even using a computer, she was writing in a notebook when her right arm suddenly started paining a lot due to the criminal attack of a government employee getting sex, money bribes
    the pain caused by radiation weapons remains very severe for more than 15 minutes, it would be interesting to know the name, designation, salary of the government employee who criminally attacked a harmless citizen in panaji, goa
    Does the government employee criminally assaulting the bhandari engineer, having regular sex with goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina, or is he getting bribes from R&AW employees indore document robber veena, deepika, riddhi nayak, asmita patel, ruchika and others