One of the reasons the domain investor remains at home, because radiation weapons are used to torture her, causing great pain,whenever she is outdoors or even leaves the door open.
since greedy fraud states like haryana,gujarat,goa,madhya pradesh are ruthless in SLANDERING,CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor to cover their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, CYBERCRIME, government SLAVERY RACKET to get 10-15 lazy greedy frauds,mostly happily married women like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree from these states no work, no investment government jobs at the expense of the hardworking single woman, the domain investor is leaving the door open when there is some electrical or plumbing repair work
\Yet showing how ruthless government agencies are in HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES using radiation weapons to cover up the FINANCIAL FRAUD of 5 greedy liar states, high intensity radiation was used on the domain investor when the door was kept open causing a severe headache.
The radiation is damaging the brain cells, adversely affecting memory so the domain investor was forced to leave the room and a lot of her time was also wasted
Now due to the radiation damage, it is also difficult to sleep at night